
Archive for the ‘Texts and Readings’ Category

Currents and Conditions: a report of reposts

December 8th, 2015 Comments off

NYC Anarchist Black Cross has released its updated Illustrated Prisoner Listing. Download link here.

Prison Policy Initiative released a new graphic pie chart.

Denver ABC Directs us to this project for trans Prisoners calling for an International Day of Solidarity for Trans Prisoners on January 22nd

Relating to women in prisons Huffington Post published this piece regarding the incarceration rates and conditions (source the Prison Policy Initiative)

Anecdotally, reporting on violent crime in the state has seemed to be increasing. With a “police-involved shooting” where Officer Ryan Jones of the Bangor Police department shot and killed a 23 year-old man,  during Jones pursuit of the man.

In a recent government attempt to curtail prisoner communications on grounds of “their” security was roundly criticised at a public hearing in late October. MPBN

More to come in following weeks..

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