
Archive for the ‘Who Else?’ Category

Leaps and Bridges

April 27th, 2015 Comments off

Maine Anarchist Black Cross is a molecular scale organization right now, and current membership is reaching out toward along the strands of heart, called solidarity, to others working to prefigure the world without an incarcerated mind and as one group describes going ‘upstream’ to the causes of poverty and their removal.

With the aim  of building capacity in broad-range organizing with strong principles, steeped in the fight against economic and social exclusion, is one group called Food AND Medicine in the Greater Bangor Area.

Food AND Medicine’s mission is to organize, educate, and empower workers and our communities in the fight for economic and social justice.

This organizers impression is that this seems a strongly democratic group and responsive to unfolding events, possibilities and needs.

Another affiliated and separate group is an interfaith Faith Linking in Action, a group describing going upstream or as some folks prefer going to the root. (That’s radical, folks!)

Addressing causes and unifying oppressed and struggling people is a goal that is get-behind able, any readers of any inclination look into participation in these groups or start similiar groups.

The call out is to connect on what moves you the most, these will be the strongest bonds, and this helps the seed have it’s carrying fruit to proliferate outward.



Categories: Group News., Organizations, Who Else? Tags: