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Pens: Mightier than their Bars, Walls, and Laws.

February 27th, 2015

Anti-Authoritarians, Anarchists, and Plain Ol’ Compassionate Folks!

Come out to Maine Anarchist Black Cross’ first Political Prisoner Letter Writing Group. A brief presentation and all need materials will accompany the group’s namesake activity. Letter writing as a political act can establish outside links with otherwise isolated and abused prisoners which may lead to better treatment, more importantly than that it establishes a bridge where the state seeks to sever connections. Actionists and their community support should be like fingers in a glove, we resist dehumanization inside and outside the Penitentiary walls.

Shake off the apathy, remember that the struggle has high stakes for those in oppressed groups, and that the state wants us to forget.

Let’s Remember, Celebrate, and Struggle

Meet me and your other comrades at:

With Breath Puppetry Studio (#1 on second floor of the Masonic Building at Main and High in Belfast, ME)

MARCH 12, 2015 5:30pm 

for more information contact:


AMY GOODMAN: Mumia, I know that your line is going to be cut off in a minute, and I was wondering what message do you have to people outside the bars right now?

MUMIA ABUJAMAL: Well, increasingly, that space has expanded, because if you look inside the bars, you’re looking at millions of men and women and juveniles, as I noted before. But even beyond that, I mean, how free are we today, those who claim to be non-prisoners? Your computers are being read by others in government. Your letters, your phone calls are being intercepted. We live now in a national security state, where the United States is fast becoming one of the biggest open-air prisons on earth.

Democracy Now! February 1, 2013

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