
Archive for January, 2015

Support and Free: Yourself and Me

January 14th, 2015 Comments off

Anarchist Black Cross is an organization built around Solidarity with prisoners. In our Panopticon society, anywhere prison walls are built a prison arises on both sides. Realizing the chilling effect this has on the perceived range of political action, the PRISON as an institution of the state must be challenged and confronted. Those fighting and struggling in the labyrinthine corridors of justice must be supported and assisted with understanding of the primary function of prison in society.

Those “Free” are forever threatened with the loss of freedom and those without that distinction are told to work to retrieve and earn it. The final threat of the State is absolute restriction of movement and association, absolute surveillance and control. Knowing that a fight against this tool of the State restricts it’s use by any “leader” gains made in this area can significantly reshape the struggle and promote more effective action against the State and its Capitalists.

Always Revolt, Never Submit. Fight Smart, Get Results.


Maine State Prison

Maine State Prison

Maine Anarchist Black Cross



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